Easy as 1,2,3

Complete Quick Assessment
Select misbehaviors to target and positive behaviors to promote

Create a Personalized Plan
Use parenting techniques matched to the “why” of misbehavior

Become a Behavior Pro
Receive real-time guidance when responding to behavior
"Attend has really helped become a better parent"
Annie, Mother of 6-year-old
“Attend is a true blessing, every family should have it.”
Koko E., 10 Year-Old Daughter with Autism and is Nonverbal
“I really liked Attend because it helped me learn how to deal with my son’s anger issues.”
Nadia A., 13 Year-Old Son with Autism
“Attend has truly transformed our approach to parenting and strengthened our connection with our child.”
Brianna T., 4 Year-Old Son with Autism

Bite-sized learning content and videos
- The ABCs of Behavior
- Strategies to help set your child up for success
- Tips for creating effective routines
- How to promote positive behaviors with reinforcement
- Parenting techniques that work
The content is easy to understand and fun
Alex, Father of 4-year-old twins

Tools that help create a custom support plan
- Help selecting prevention strategies that set your child up for success
- Ideas for identifying rewards that increase positive behaviors
- Notifications that provide guidance when responding to behavior
- Easy-to-understand charts to identify behavior patterns
I love the coaching prompts and reminders!
Pam, Mother of 6-year-old

See why parents love Attend Behavior
Research Basis

The Science of Improving Behavior
Researchers have found that the key promoting positive behavior is to help parents understand how and why misbehaviors occur in the first place and provide direct instruction in the use of specific types of parenting techniques.
The learning content in Attend Behavior is based on the RUBI Parent Training Program which is included in Oxford University Press’ Programs that Work Series.

Learning Content Shown to Work
The RUBI Parent Training Program has been rigorously studied in three large-scale randomized clinical trials with a specific focus on the most common misbehaviors including temper tantrums, disobedience, mild aggression, hyperactive-impulsive responding, and inattention.
Research documenting the effectiveness of RUBI’s program has appeared in some of the world’s most prestigious journals including The Journal of the American Medical Association, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology , Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review .

Karen Bearss, Ph.D.
Seattle Children’s Hospital
University of Washington
Our Lead Scientific Advisor
Dr. Bearss is the lead author for the RUBI program, a clinical child psychologist and serves as an Assistant Professor at Seattle Children’s Hospital.
Her research focuses on the development and evaluation of effective parent training programs for disruptive behavior with a specific focus on Autism. Dr. Bearss graduated with her doctorate from the University of Florida and completed her post-doctoral training at Yale’s Child Study Center.
Dr. Bearss serves as Attend|Behavior’s lead scientific advisor and in that capacity worked with our team throughout development process. Dr. Bearss continues to support Attend|Behavior’s mission of delivering high quality parenting solutions that improve outcomes for child and adolescents impacted by a variety of behavioral problems.
Meet the RUBI Team

Cynthia Johnson, PhD
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland Clinic Center for Autism.

Benjamin L. Handen
University of Pittsburgh Medical School
Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic.

Eric M. Butter, PhD
The Ohio State University
Nationwide Children's Hospital

Luc Lecavalier, PhD
The Ohio State University
Nisonger Center, UCEDD
Meet the RUBI Team

Lawrence Scahill, PhD
Emory University School of Medicine
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta

Tristram Smith, PhD
The University of Rochester
Golisano Children's Hospital